
Lost Art Limited do stock a number of bollard patterns for casting. The styles range from the simple and functional to the more individualistic and decorative. A selection of the bollards are illustrated below. However, it should be remembered that we are capable of producing bollards to client specifications, either based on drawings supplied or, working with our patternmaker, it is also possible to recreate historic designs of bollard that might be unique to a particular site. This can either be achieved by using existing bollards as the basis for reproducing the required quantity or by taking historic images, such as photographs, postcards and illustrations and producing a matching design. The latter may be an important consideration when a project involves grants from bodies such as The Heritage Lottery Fund and where the accuracy of design and materials are of great significance.

It should also be noted that, as with the majority of our products, bollards are available either on a supply only or delivery and installation basis.

All our bollards are available in any colour required by the client and decorative elements such as contrasting banding can also be specified.