Darthmouth Park, Sandwell
Recontruction of a bandstand

The bandstand in Dartmouth Park in Sandwell was a rather unusual shape and structure, being mainly constructed of timber, rather than the more usual cast iron structural and decorative components with timber being used mainly for the roof (although generally covered with copper or zinc

Little information was available to inform the reconstruction process, although, as is often the case, there were a few historic postcards showing the structure.

As part of the restoration plan, it was decided to design a replacement bandstand that reflected the original design but also incorporated more modern concerns relating to health and safety as well as operating within a tight budget. The columns are an example of this innovative approach to the problem, combining structural steel and decorative cast iron.

This meant that the new bandstand included elements of the original but also more traditional aspects of bandstand design. So, the main structure of the bandstand remains a timber construction but the roof is based on a zinc covering over timber sarking instead of the unusual slated element of the original.

The result is still a striking feature in the park and is complemented by reproductions of the original unique design of benches which were also produced by Lost Art.